Monday 10 May 2010

The loafer...

Today I am a bum :) actually, a lot recently... I am living off my parents, I don't pay them rent (they don't want it luckily) and I haven't been to work since Wednesday! Actually... I will have have 6 days off work :o...that is incredible.
Well I comfort myself in that I deserved time off as I was ill, and I do have a job, all be in part time, and also I'm starting my degree in September... a fact that scares me shitless, so perhaps this last one isn't such a comfort. Why do I need to comfort myself about all this? Because I've been brought up to believe doing nothing is definetly bad BECAUSE:
-it is bad for your mental health, humans need task and reward, this is how we feel fulfilled and happy (however realising this makes it all seem a bit hollow, like we really are sims with need bars easily filled with, well any activity really... is there a cheat, a way to ingnore these needs, overide them with shitft+alt+c Maxmotives?).
-it is a sign of the person you are going to become, a person capable of a lot, but doing fuck all because they can get away with it under present (and i'm guessing coming) government, due to the amazing benefits loafers can get if they spin it right these days. A LAZY PERSON. A thief almost, stealing from fellow taxpayers, a parasite.

So yes, I feel uneasy when doing nothing, though at present there is nothing pressing to do.

I took the dog for a walk :) thats something. A lazy thief probably wouldn't do that?

If wow was real life and my druid hunter was me I'd have acheived a lot today.

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